The Companies Registration Office is the central location where public statutory information on Irish companies is available. The Office deals with the registration of new companies and the registration and making available for inspection of a range of statutory documents and the statutory receipt of mortgages and charges. The Office is also responsible for the registration of business names.

The Mission Statement of the CRO is to ensure a high level of filing of returns due, a rapid turn around of the information on those returns with the assurance that the information provided to us complies with the relevant statutory provisions and that the information supplied by us accurately reflects that provided.

The Companies Registration Office is committed to delivering the highest quality service to our customers and to ensuring continuous improvement in the standard of service that we provide.

The CRO views the customer as the person to whom we are responsible for providing an efficient public service during the course of their business with this office.

The Office deals with the registration of new companies and the registration and making available for inspection of a range of statutory documents and the statutory receipt of mortgages and charges.

We will:

  • ●  Register new companies within 5 working days (Online A1 Fé Phráinn), 10 working days (Fé Phráinn), 15 working days (ordinary)
  • ●  Register re-registrations and changes of name within 10 working days of receipt
  • ●  Make scanned images of documents available within 10 working days of registration onto the Register
  • ●  Supply images and print-outs requested by post within 4 days
  • ●  Supply duplicate certs, print-outs or images requested online within 30 minutes
  • ●  Publish notice of intent to strike off companies and lists of dissolved companies on the CRO website.
  • ●  Register electronically filed Business Names applications within 10 working days and manually filed applications within 20 working days.

The CRO encourages and benefits greatly from meaningful consultation with, and participation by, the customer in relation to the development, delivery and review of its services.

We will continue this consultation via a number of fora

  • ●  Stakeholders Forum – Three meetings per year.
  • ●  CROTech, the Companies Registration Office Technical Users Forum – one meeting per year.

CRO will be pro-active in its use of its user committees. We will use these committees to feed directly into policy formation and quality testing.

A dedicated Information Unit provides a front line service to customers who contact the Office by telephone, post and e-mail. We will continue to ensure that the Unit is manned by highly trained, qualified staff.



When contacting us by telephone we aim to:

  • ●  answer all calls as promptly as possible
  • ●  identify ourselves on answering tell you your place in the queue
  • ●  deal with your query immediately or
  • ●   if it is a difficult query, arrange that you are responded to within 24 hours



When contacting us by e-mail we aim to:

  • ●  acknowledge all e-mails on receipt
  • ●  reply to all emails as promptly as possible
  • ●  write in clear language


Letter post

When contacted by letter, we aim to:

  • ●  acknowledge all correspondence within 4 working days Provide a full reply within 15 working days in 90% of cases. If this is not possible an interim reply will issue informing you when you can expect a full reply
  • ●  Write in simple, clear language
  • ●  Provide contact name, number, address and e-mail address on all correspondence.



We will aim to keep our customers informed by:

  • ●  attending open days organised by local enterprise offices and professional representative bodies countrywide
  • ●  issuing monthly e-zines to subscribers
  • ●  media publicity
  • ●  conducting advertising campaigns



The CRO website is one of the most visited sites in the country with over one million hits per month and one of the largest, with access to a database of 660,000 companies and 650,000 business names and is a vital source of information for company directors.

We will:

  • ●  Continue to comply with web accessibility guidelines
  • ●  Update it regularly and keep it easy to use
  • ●  Enhance pre-filled forms to create greater legal certainty and reduce costs
  • ●  Have cutting-edge online search facilities
  • ●  Keep downtime below 1%
  • ●  Forewarn of any downtime for maintenance purposes

If you are unhappy with the service you have received from the CRO and if the issue cannot be resolved to your satisfaction with the staff member or section you have been dealing with, you can make a formal complaint to the CRO Information officer (see contact details below).

The CRO Information officer will deal with your complaint properly, fairly and impartially in accordance with best practice.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the investigation by the CRO Information officer you have the right of appeal to a senior officer. If the matter remains unresolved, you have the right of further appeal to the Office of the Ombudsman.

The Companies Registration Office complies fully with the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2014. We will make every effort to provide you with as much information as possible informally, without resort to the terms of the Act. However, should you wish to make a formal request under the Act, you should contact the FOI officer. Tel: (01) 804 5200.

We will aim to do our best to facilitate our customers who wish to conduct their business in Irish in accordance with our obligations under the Official Languages Act 2003. If you write to us in Irish, we will reply to you in Irish. We will publish important documents such as our Annual Report simultaneously in Irish and English. We will also publish other information and material in Irish on our website – This customer charter is available in Irish.

We will ensure that:

  • ●  the Office is accessible for wheelchair users
  • ●  the Health and Safety Committee conducts regular inspections of the building to identify any potential breaches of regulations and ensures that these are dealt with promptly
  • ●   the CRO will endeavour to provide access to documents in a suitable format
  • ●  we will see you punctually at the scheduled time where appointments have been made.

An Access Officer is a specially assigned staff member who is responsible for co-ordinating assistance and guidance for persons with disabilities, to access to the widest possible extent, the full range of services that we provide. In addition, our Access Officer will also act as a point of contact for people with disabilities seeking advice on a range of issues, including how best to access our building, as well as the range of publications in alternate formats that we can make available.

Our Access Officer, in accordance with Section 26(2) of the Disability Act 2005, is Heather Murray.

Heather Murray, the Companies Registration Office Complaints Officer, may be contacted directly at:

Companies Registration Office,

Bloom House, Gloucester Place Lower, Dublin 1

Telephone: (01) 804 5311
