A company’s Annual Return Date (ARD) can be changed by either bringing the date forward to an earlier date or by extending it to a later date.
Companies Act 2014 allows a company to extend its ARD by up to six months by filing a Form B1B73 electronically with the CRO:
New companies are due to file financial statements with their second annual return, which return is required to be made up to a date not later than 18 months post-incorporation, unless the company alters its ARD. Such companies may extend their ARD using Form B1B73 procedure outlined above. (The company can opt to extend its annual return date (ARD) by a maximum of up to six months from its current ARD).
Requirements that still need to followed by company – Please Note: The company and its officers ought to ensure that the company does not breach other requirements of the Companies Acts – such as the requirement to hold its first AGM within 18 months of incorporation (section 175 Companies Act 2014) and the requirement to present financial statements to its AGM within 9 months of the balance sheet date (section 341 Companies 2014)
These obligations are entirely independent of the annual return filing obligation with the CRO. It is a criminal offence to breach section 175/341 Companies Act 2014.