An Annual Return Date (ARD) of a company is the latest date to which an annual return must be made up. The annual return must be filed with the CRO within 56 days of the date to which it is made up.
Each company has an ARD allocated to it and it can be checked using CORE.
A company can bring forward their ARD or depending on the circumstances, extend their ARD to a later date.
The ARD is set to a later date by filing a Form B1B73.
A Form B1B73 must be filed electronically (€20 fee) and may be filed by a company not more than once in every five years. Form B73 should not be filed with the company’s first annual return (due six months after incorporation). See below.
It is a statutory requirement that Form B1B73 be delivered to the CRO within 56 days from the company’s existing ARD. As a matter of law, a Form B73 is ineffective and cannot be accepted by the CRO if it is filed more than 56 days after the company’s existing ARD.
If your company wishes to extend its current ARD, it may do so by: delivering an annual return to the CRO not later than 56 days after its current ARD, to which no financial statements need to be annexed, and nominating on Form B73 the new ARD, which date may be not later than six months after its first ARD.