The contents of this website are provided as an information guide only and are not intended to be comprehensive, with many details which may be relevant to particular circumstances having been omitted.
The contents of this website are intended to enhance public access to information about the CRO and its work, and are written in general terms.
While every effort is made in preparing material for publication, no responsibility is accepted by or on behalf of the State for any errors, omissions or misleading statements on this website or on any site to which this website connects.
Accordingly, this website should not be regarded as being a complete source of company law and information.
It is strongly recommended that independent advice from a professional adviser be obtained in relation to any specific queries which a person may have concerning the application of Irish company law/business names legislation/limited partnerships legislation to any person, whether body corporate or individual.
With regard to searches, only uncertified documents/extracts from the register can be made available electronically. If certified copy documents or extracts from the register are required, please send your written request to the following address:
Postal Enquiries Section, CRO, Bloom House, Gloucester Place Lower, Dublin 1
Please also include the appropriate fee.
Furthermore, again with regard to searches, it should be noted that the information contained on the CRO register in relation to companies, business names and limited partnerships has been supplied to the CRO by third parties, pursuant to statutory obligation, including the obligation not to knowingly or recklessly supply false information to the CRO.
The CRO cannot and does not vouch for the accuracy of this information which has been supplied by third parties, and CRO shall not be responsible for the consequences of any error or omissions in the information held on its register.