The CRO’s Social Media policy covers our use of social media platforms, what to expect on the platforms, and how we interact with the public on the platforms.

The CRO currently has accounts on X (formerly Twitter), LinkedIn, and YouTube:

  • Please click here to access the CRO’s X profile.
  • Please click here to access the CRO’s LinkedIn profile.
  • Please click here to access the CRO’s YouTube channel.

The CRO’s social media presence is managed by its Digital Development Unit.

We regularly update and monitor our social media channels for effectiveness, suitability and opportunities to communicate better with our audiences.

Updates typically occur during normal office hours, Monday to Friday (not including public holidays). We may update and monitor the accounts outside of these hours.

Social media platforms may occasionally be unavailable, and we accept no responsibility for lack of service.

The CRO regularly reviews the evolution of social media, and the CRO’s social media footprint. As such, we may decide to open new social media accounts or remove accounts.

On the CRO’s social media profiles you can expect to see:

  • Press releases providing updates on the CRO’s activities
  • Practical information on services available from the CRO
  • Important updates on CORE
  • Alerts about newly published website content
  • Alerts about newly published legislation
  • Event information

The CRO may follow accounts on social media platforms which are of relevance to its work. Where the CRO follows another social media account, it does not imply an endorsement of any kind.

Content shared or liked by the CRO does not imply any endorsement of the original message, the individual or the organisation.

If you follow a social media account of the CRO, we will not automatically follow you back.

The CRO does not accept responsibility for third-party content.

Posts from other accounts which are directed at CRO accounts do not represent the views of the CRO or the Government.

Please do not include personal or private information in any posts directed to our Social Media accounts, or in messages you send to us.

While we welcome comments and participation on our Social Media profiles, we do not accept responsibility for the content of any comment posted on and/or messages received on our Social Media profiles.

The CRO reserves the right to remove comments and/or messages from our Social Media profiles that:

  • contain abusive, obscene, indecent or offensive language, or link to obscene or offensive material
  • are not relevant to the content posted
  • impersonate the CRO in any way
  • constitute spam or promote or advertise products
  • are designed to cause nuisance to the page administrator or other users

For serious or persistent breaches of this moderation policy, we reserve the right to prevent users from posting further comments and will block accounts.

We welcome feedback and reserve the right to join conversations where possible.

We may not reply individually to all messages received through social media platforms.

Please do not include personal or private information in any Social Media posts directed to our accounts, or in messages you send to us.

The CRO is not responsible, liable for, and does not endorse any linked sites from any of the platforms we use.

Your use of social media sites is at your own risk.

The CRO assumes no responsibility or liability for any injury, loss or damage incurred as a result of any use or reliance upon the information and material contained within or downloaded from these sites.

The CRO’s Social Media profiles are principally used to disseminate information.

Please visit our Contact page for information on how best to contact us.