On this page you will find links to government departments/offices/organisations and overseas registry offices.
The CRO is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.
Anti Money Laundering Compliance Unit
The Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Unit is part of the Department of Justice and Law Reform.
Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment
The CRO comes under the remit of this Department. Its responsibilities include company law matters.
A copy of the Department’s Action Plan for Jobs Financial Support can be obtained from the site.
The site also details it’s Support for SME’s and its Offices and agencies including Enterprise Ireland and Microfinance Ireland as well as Local Enterprise Offices (LEOs). The function of the LEOs is to stimulate economic and entrepreneurial activity at city/county level and to develop local indigenous enterprise potential in the micro-business sector. The Local Enterprise Office website has an online tool regarding supports available for Small Enterprises – please see Supporting SMEs webtool.
The CRO is a participant in The European Business Register. The register is a network of business registers kept by the registration authorities in most of the European countries.
Iris Oifigiúil is the official means used by the Government for announcing appointments to public offices and publishing proclamations; statutory instruments; appointment of receivers to companies; etc.
This site provides links to other Government Departments in Ireland.
Website with information on starting a business in Ireland as well as doing business in the EU and information on procedures required to provide certain services in the State.
This site contains a database of Irish legislation including the Companies and Business Names Acts.
Corporate Enforcement Authority
The purpose of the CEA is to improve the compliance environment for corporate activity in the Irish economy.
Intellectual Property Office of Ireland
The role of the Intellectual Property Office of Ireland involves the grant of rights in the fields of inventions, trade marks and designs, and the dissemination of relevant knowledge in conjunction with each of these activities.
Registry of Beneficial Ownership
The RBO is the central repository of statutory information required to be held by relevant entities (i.e. Companies and Industrial and Provident Societies) in respect of the natural persons who are their beneficial owners/controllers, including details of the beneficial interests held by them.
The Companies Unit deals with several areas that affect the CRO – applications for voluntary strikeoff, real and continuous link statements and applications for restoration.
The CRO is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.