The auditor’s report to the members of the company must be made in accordance with section 336 Companies Act 2014. Please also see: Auditor’s report where certain company types are otherwise exempt from filing Financial Statements with the annual return
The Auditor’s Report is required to state:
The statutory auditors report will also state whether, in their opinion, the information given in the director’s report for the financial year is consistent with the statutory Financial Statements.
Under section 336(3a) CA 2014 (as amended by the Companies (Accounting) Act 2017), in the case of a micro company, compliance with the minimum requirements of the Companies Act 2014 is presumed to give a true and fair view.
Also the report shall in relation to each matter referred to in the points above contain a statement or opinion, as the case may be, which shall be either – unqualified or qualified and include a reference to any matters to which the statutory auditors wish to draw attention without qualifying the report. A statement of opinion may be qualified, including to the extent of an adverse opinion or a disclaimer of opinion, where there is a disagreement or limitation in scope of work.
Also under s.336(8)CA 2014 (as amended by s.45 Companies (Accounting) Act 2017), if in the case of any statutory Financial Statements, the requirements of s.305-312 have not been complied with, the statutory auditors must include in their report, so far as they are reasonably able to do so, a statement giving the required particulars. (s.305 – 312 deal with director’s remuneration /interests/ benefits disclosure and with licensed banks disclosures). This does not apply to companies which are exempt from these particular sections.
Under section 336(2), the report should have and introduction that identifies the entity Financial Statements, and where appropriate, the group Financial Statements, that are the subject of the audit and the financial reporting framework that has been applied in their preparation and also a description of the scope of the audit identifying the auditing standards in accordance with which the audit was conducted.
Signing of Statutory Auditor’s Report (s.337 CA 2014)
In accordance with s.337 Companies Act 2014, the copy of the statutory auditors report which is delivered to the Registrar shall state the name of the statutory auditor or auditors and bear the signature (in typeset form per s.347(2)) and the date of signature.
In accordance with SI 312 of 2016 – European Union (Statutory Audits) (Directive 2006/43/EC, as amended by Directive 2014/56/EU, and Regulation (EU) No 537/2014) Regulations 2016.
in his or her own name, for and on behalf of, the audit firm.
An auditors report which is not typed, signed and dated in accordance with this paragraph will be returned to the presenter for correction in accordance with section 898 of the Companies Act 2014.
The certification of the Financial Statements on the B1 form by the Director and Secretary of the company will include the Auditors Report.
Auditors Report where Financial Statements are abridged
In addition to the auditor’s report to the members a company filing abridged Financial Statements must also file a special auditor’s report to the directors pursuant to s.356(1) Companies Act 2014 for a small company or s.357(2) Companies Act 2014 for a medium company.
Small Company
The auditor’s report to the directors of a small company is required to state;
We have examined:
The scope of our work for the purpose of this report was limited to confirming that the directors are entitled to annex abridged Financial Statements to the annual return and that those abridged Financial Statements have been properly prepared, pursuant to sections 347/348 Companies Act 2104, from the Financial Statements to be laid before the Annual General Meeting.
In our opinion the directors are entitled under section 352 Companies Act 2014 to annex to the annual return of the company abridged Financial Statements and those abridged Financial Statements have been properly prepared pursuant to the provisions of section 353 of the Act.
Typed Name:
For and on behalf of (audit firm) Auditors: ABC & Company Date: DD/MM/YYYY