The CRO register of charges records “the persons entitled to the charge” as one of the mandatory items specified in section 414(1)(f) Companies Act 2014.

In the event that there is a change in the identity of the lender under a registered charge during the lifetime of that charge, it is possible to have the details of the person entitled to the charge amended on the CRO register by submitting Form C17, CRO will then be in a position to amend the “Person Entitled” details on the register in respect of the charge concerned.

The form C17 can only be used in the instance set out above.


Form C17 (Changes to the particulars of the Charge holder) Section 409(8) Companies Act 2014

A Form C17 (Changes to the particulars of the Charge holder) can now be filed to allow a change in chargeholder details for multiple charges (up to 25) provided that

  • ● All the charges are in respect of one company only
  • ● The current and previous chargeholder is the same for all charges
  • ● The date of change in chargeholder details must be the same for all charges


This practice can also be used when the form is being filed to reflect a change of name and/or address. A fillable template document which sets out a format for providing the information is available –  C17 Annex english fillable.pdf .

This can be used as an appendix and attached to the Form C17. The filing fee is 15 euro.