Where a company is incorporated, a business name is registered, or a charge is registered, a certificate is issued to the presenter.
You can also obtain a Duplicate Certificate with original signature.
Please log on to https://core.cro.ie to order a certificate.
You can obtain a Duplicate Certificate for public sector use only, simply by entering an email address and the company/business name number. Link to Duplicate Certificate Facility. The duplicate certificate is emailed in PDF format.
Certificates issue as “digitally certified” documents since 2016. These Digital Certificates have replaced the paper Certificates posted out to presenters. The Digital Certificates are emailed as a pdf document to the email address entered in the ‘Presenter Details’ section of the eform submitted. This facilitates immediate receipt of certification by the presenter as soon as the submission has been registered. For New Companies, the pdf document is emailed to the nominated email address on the A1 form.
The format of the Certificate of Charge/Business Name will not change and the Digital Certificates contain all of the information displayed on the old paper Certificates. The signature of the officer registering the charge on behalf of the Registrar appears on the Digital Certificate
Under EU Directive 2003/58 regarding disclosure requirements in respect of companies, CRO are required to provide electronic copies of documents. In accordance with this requirement CRO have introduced “digitally certified” copies of documents as a product through the Company Search facility. The digitally certified copy of the document are available as an option to purchase when choosing a submission. The cost is the same as a manual certified copy.
The “digitally certified” document will be emailed to customers as a pdf document. The pdf document contains a coloured banner at the top of the screen which confirms that it has been digitally signed as certified by the CRO. This assures the recipient that the document is authentic, comes from a source (CRO) that has been independently verified, and has not been tampered with. Globalsign who provide this software, have likened the digitally certified document as the electronic equivalent of adding a notarised, wet ink signature. To order digitally certified documents please go to: http://search.cro.ie/company/
NB. Customers may wish to check that a “digitally certified” format is acceptable to any body they intend to present it to.